
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

gombal bikin galau

suasana hari ini mendung tapi ngga gelap-gelap banget sih -___-" lagi-lagi mendung melambangkan hati gue :) bener-bener gelap tapi ngga ujan karna gue udah ngga bisa nangis -___- oh iya hari ini dikelas baru gue , gue dapet angket "terModis dan terCengeng :( "
didramatisin yuuk yang terakhir *au au au
TERCENGENG huakakak -____-" back to topic :0
ngomong-ngomong pas mendung gue langsung inget sama gombalannya beo waktu terakhir kali kita ketemuan and than beo said :
"dep, kalo lagi hujan coba kamu mandi hujan deh abis itu langsung difoto ya?"
"buat apa?"
"aku mau buktiin ke temen aku "
"buktiin apa?"
"iya buktiin kalo bidadari juga bisa main hujan-hujanan"
" :) "

"oh iya dep kamu tau ngga apa perbedaan kamu sama monas?"
"hah? apaan emang?"
"kalo monas itu milik negara tapi kalo kamu itu milik aku "
" :D "

"dep kamu tau ngga persamaan kamu sama hujan?"
" aku? sama hujan? hah? ngga emang apa?"
" kamu sama hujan sama-sama turun dari langit "
" ooow :D "

beo i miss you dear :* ({})
now I feel your loss, loss of affection which we intertwine, lost love that I've been hugged tightly, do you know? if I do not want you out of my life, this is my decision that you leave my life but all this solely because I also love my best friend, I'm sure and I strongly believe if we are destined for sure we will be reunited, but if not I will continue to hope you will remain happy with her choice because I realize love do not always need to have : ')

I'd be happy if you happy but I would be willing if there is a single woman hurt you because you are my goddess
me love you beo :* i keep you in my little heart ({})

forgive me that has been continually hurt you :'(

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